Besides our Treadmills, Schwinn Airdyne Bikes and our Water Rowers, we have our Cybex Arc Trainers. We use them as part of our RZ workout system to maximize calorie burn and strengthen the body.
Here's how we use them in our exercise formats to provide variety, results and FUN.
- We use them as our main cardio for the workout of the day for 16 minute minutes.
- We use them as part of our 4 Zone Workout when we are combining treadmill for 12 minute intervals and Cybex for 12 minute cardio intervals. Its a fun filled 24 minute cardio workout with variety.
- We use them as part of our Zone 2 workouts. We love to use them as part of our leg/butt day. Ex:Lunges to squats, to band exercises then right to the cybex arc trainer to provide active recovery but to also stimulate the lower body muscles.
- We use them as a 3 part cardio circuit. Clients start with the cybex then to the water rower and finish up with the airdyne bike.
- And finally we use them as a 4 part cardio circuit. Clients jump from treadmill to cybex trainer to water rower and end it with AirDyne Bikes. We love creativity in fitness.
Here are some awesome benefits of the Cybex Arc Trainer:
1. The Arc Trainer Exerts Less Stress On Joints.
Our Cybex arc trainer is known for exerting less stress on its user’s joints. The arc trainer actually prevents your toes from stretching behind your knee, unlike many other low-impact exercise machines. Whenever your toes move behind your knees, more pressure is exerted on your knee joints, which is likely to cause damage to those joints sooner in life.
2. The Arc Trainer Works More Muscles.
Cybex trainer incorporates both arm and leg muscles while in use. Ideal for athletes, this particular piece of exercise equipment allows you to get an upper body workout as well as keeping your lower body in shape, too. The arc trainer works your arms in addition to your upper thigh muscles.
3. The Arc Trainer Helps Put Off The Pounds.
Though it’s geared toward a more low-impact sort of workout, the Cybex arc trainer gets the job done. If you’re looking to shed a few pounds in addition to improving your muscle strength, exercise with any Cybex arc trainer.
Studying Calorie Burn
The Cybex Research Institute sought to answer which results in the greatest calorie burn – using the Arc Trainer at a low resistance/high speed, or a high resistance/low speed.
To study this, they brought in a group of exercisers and asked them to work out at a constant power output, but with different combinations of resistance and step rate.
What did they find?
Interestingly, exercisers burned the most calories when they maintained a high speed and low resistance. These findings suggest that, for those concerned with calorie burn, it might be wise to focus on keeping a high cadence on the Arc Trainer.
Next time you are on the Arc, keep an eye on your steps per minute (SPM) and try to maintain a fast (150 SPM, or higher) speed. When the Strides per minute becomes easier, increase the resistance to a 20 to 40 resistance. Continue to challenge yourself as your body adapts.
Glenn Greer, Co-Owner.